Nov 25, 2015

Advice from a Tree....

We are blessed to be surrounded by the most beautiful and magestic trees here at St. David's! The past few weeks, we have taken our lesson plans from the trees. Let's see..."Advice from a Tree"
1. Stand Tall and Proud

2. Don't Forget Your Roots

Your children are contastly reminded of the love and support that surrounds them now and as they grow. 

We talked about what we are thankful for and made a thankful tree...they are all most thankful for their families! They are thankful for good friends, too!

3. Take Time to Catch the Falling Leaves

4. Be Content with Yourself
By encouraging creativity and praising good behavior we help children build a positive image of themselves. Hands on exploration is key to creativity. We decorated pumpkins and made a fairy garden.

And finally #5. Count your blessing (and acorns, leaves, pumpkins....)

We are so thankful for the opportunity to work with your children and all the joy they bring us!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING
 From the K-Wild teachers

Nov 6, 2015

Pumpkins, Paint, and Good Pals

October brought us a month full of creative outdoor fun and beautiful autum colors. We visited our home made St. David's pumpkin patch and each picked our own special pumpkin. We talked about how each pumpkin is different and unique...and no one's pumpkin is better than the rest.
We got very creative with feathers, felt and buttons to turn our pumpkins into K Wild Owls. 

Our outdoor adventures also brought us some unexpected finds...Greyson found a deer jawbone with the teeth still intacted...

Up above, the watchful red tailed hawk keeps an eye on us! Nature is amazing!!

We experimented with baking soda, vinegar and food coloring to create pumpkin volcanoes. 

Our outdoor classroom is the perfect environment for our junior scientist.  They really enjoy open ended exploration. 

Maybe you have heard stories about some of the puppet friends that we have had visit our K Wild is Harry the Hedgehog! 

Puppets help children explore their creativity and story telling skills, and can be a great outlet for dealing with emotions and behaviors. 

October has been a wonderful month for all of our K Wild children. We are growing and learning everyday! We are learning to accept each other and grow as individuals. Accepting our differences and learning to appreciate all the gifts that God has given us creates such a positive feeling of self worth and community.