Nov 5, 2014

K-Wild in October!

B-I-N-G-O with acorns for Halloween.

How did our sink become filled with dirt?

Let's write notes to each other!

We keep our kitchen clean and tidy...once in a while!

What patterns can we make with our Fall stickers?

More spider stickers for our spider webs please!

Let's see which hand we use to greet with our friends with.

Pack Leader greets our friends at Meeting of the Day. 

Who's ready to learn a song?

What can we check off on our Nature Scavenger Hunt checklist?

Rain or shine, we love exploring the great outdoors!

Who are these silly characters and animals playing musical squares?

Check out my teeny, tiny, leaf!

Our leaf pile is ready to be jumped on. 

We could take a nap after raking for so long...

The building inspectors approve this structure.

How can make it even taller?

Silly, little bats have taken over K-Wild!

Check out our spider windsocks!

Can you find the hidden spiders in our chalk artwork?

Meet our newest friend on the Nature Path...a male box turtle! 

Let's practice balancing on our balance boards. 

Surfin' USA!

We never know what things in nature we'll discover at Messy Materials. 


We have the yummiest cake recipe at the Sand Table.

Pass the spiders please!

This one is crawling away!

 What will the eensy, weensy, spider catch in his web?

Surprises await in our Feely Box...

Singing "Mr. Pumpkin" at Meeting of the Day.

How many cubes tall is our pumpkin?

I spy with my little eye...

What will we discover about the pumpkin's insides?

There are a lot of seeds and fibrous strands inside a pumpkin!

Time to serve the ice cream! 

One foot in front of the other...

We have great balance on our log Wagon Wheel!

Time to sift the dirt. 

I can almost reach the sky!