May 18, 2013

Catching Up!

It is the first mild day of May:
Each minute sweeter than before,
The Robin sings from the tall oak
That stands outside our door.

There is a blessing in the air,
Which seems a sense of joy
To the green leaved trees, and grass in the green field.

William Wordsworth

May 1, 2013

April Wrap-Up

April has been a roller coaster weather month!  We recorded 49 degrees on April 4th and 89 degrees on April 10th. Through it all, our outdoor classroom has been filled with the sights and scents that only the rebirth of springtime brings. KWILD students "adopted" a tree at the beginning of the school year and now we have documented all of the seasons. Some of our April activities included sunflower paintings and plantings, acrostic spring poem writing and bird studies. It's time for May, our final month of KWILD.