Apr 24, 2015

Tuesday/Thursday Friends Prepare for an Art Show

We celebrate NAEYC's Week of the Child "Artsy Thursday" by showcasing our artwork. 

We work very hard creating unique pieces of art.

The talented artists smile for pictures after the show!

Tuesday/Thursday Friends Work in the Garden

Rainy days can't keep us out of the garden!

Our friends planted pea, kale, and lettuce seeds in the Church garden.

Of course we found a few worms along the way!

We invite you to admire the progress of our hard work behind the church.

How many soccer and basketballs can fit in a wagon with our friend?

Apr 20, 2015

Wednesday Friends go on an Easter egg hunt

Time to go on a hunt!

How many eggs did the Easter bunny leave for us?

Easter eggs are everywhere!

We also celebrate Easter with some fun games indoors.

Slam dunk!

Which friend has the best balance?

Wednesday Friends Investigate Logs

First, we discuss the right way to look for critters under a log.

Always roll the log toward yourself- in case something slithery is underneath!

Time to explore on our own!

We found LOTS of worms.

Everyone gathers around to see who lives under the log.

We collected some crawly friends to observe in our bug boxes. 

We have so much fun learning about the homes of insects and worms! 

Apr 4, 2015

Tuesday/Thursday Friends go on an Easter egg hunt

How well did we play "Pin the tail on the Easter bunny"?

We are determined to find Easter eggs in Messy Materials.

Wow! How many eggs did we find?

Our friends love climbing trees in Messy Materials. 

We love celebrating holidays with lots of fun games.

How are our balance skills?


We love showcasing our architecture skills.

Let's build a strong stable to protect the animals.